About us
We created Sept because we wanted a zero-knowledge service to handle our secrets. Then we decided to share it with the world.
At Erstwile, we care deeply about reliability and performance. We don't go after the shiny new thing: we only use build software on top of tools that we know and trust.
Sept uses asymetric encription, but all the keys are generated on the client side and everything that reaches the server is already encrypted. The server never has access to customer's data. That's double-edged, because if a customer loses all the key-pairs with access to an account, the information is lost forever. But we prefer that scenario over a service that can read your stuff. Instead of asking you to trust us, we ask you to trust yourself: make sure you keep your keys safe, and we will make sure nobody will access your data.
You can read more about the data we collect in our Privacy page and the safety of it in our Security page.
This project was born in December 2023, and we've been using it ever since. Feel free to contact us if you have any comments or questions.